Friday, June 21, 2013

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

Every time I read this book to my son I think they should call this the "Short Term Memory Moose". I can't get past how upset I would be at my kid if I walked into the house and saw it in shambles. Paint on the floor, clothes pulled out of everywhere and  ...all because you gave the moose a muffin.

Upside: The illustrations are great and there are lots of little things to draw you into the story each time.

Downside: I have a hard time suspending my disbelief about the antics of this moose. Can moose really make hand puppets? How do moose use scissors? Here are some Interesting Moose Facts

This is a solid book for your library, my son loves having the book read to him and its one that you could (and may have to) read over and over again.

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