1. Wear Earplugs
This post is part 1 of a 10 part series.
Everyone I mention earplugs too looks at me like I have 4 heads! New parents are sleep deprived, malnourished and in a totally new setting. Ear protection keeps you sane! Pop in some earplugs or slap in some earmuffs in those tough situations when you are soothing your child.
Technically minded? You will love this post from Lazer Mom, she goes into the physics and has graphs, studies, etc. Laser Mom also points to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
Lots of health professionals will tell you that if the baby is fed, changed, and all their needs are met and they are still crying you can put the baby in their bed and go in the other room for a few minutes to wind down....and get away from the crying. Earplugs will protect you from the dangerously high decibels and allow you to soothe your baby.
Lowering the decibels of your child's screaming will lower your stress level in this new situation. Remember, I said soothing these aren't for ignoring your baby.
Finally I am not a health professional here is some additional info on dealing with a screaming child. http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/headsup/sbs.html
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